Nagashi Shukokai Karate
Leigh South Community Centre, Hope Carr Road, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 3ET
Last update 02/11/2024
Check the Katas/Combinations pages
Grading Dates 2024
20th November
Important Information
Your karate licence confirms your identity and membership of Nagashi Shukokai Karate and the Association to which it belongs. It comes in the form of a small booklet which contains information such as personal details, your unique licence number, your grade and grading history, events or tournaments you have attended, a martial arts declaration that you required to adhere to, and your license renewal date (usually 1 year from the date that you joined). A licence is issued to confirm that you have been accepted into Nagashi Shukokai Karate Club and its organisation and once you have paid the License fee, you have your own member to member and public liability insurance. You can purchase a temporary licence for the first four weeks of training. After this you will need to get a full licence and renew this annually. You can purchase license through your instructor.
You will need to purchase a licence as a Nagashi Shukokai Karate student. Once we have collected your information, this will be added to our secure database and will not be shared with any third parties. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept members under the age of 6 years. This is because we cannot obtain adequate insurance cover.