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The Nagashi Shukokai Karate Dojo Etiquette

Chief Instructor: Derek Willoughby 7th Dan Shukokai.



Dojo Etiquette


1. On entering the dojo, each student must bow.  The same must be done when leaving.


2. The white karate gi must be kept clean and in good condition.


3.  Toenails and fingernails must be kept short and clean.


4.  Every effort must be made to be punctual.  If a student arrives late,, they must kneel at the front of the class, and wait until the instructor calls them on.  Then they must take their place quickly in the class.


5.  If a student wants to leave the class, they must ask the instructor first.


6.  No jewellry or rings may be worn in the class.  If a student cannot remove a ring, then tape must be put aroud it.


7.  No chewing, talking or any offensive behaviour in the dojo.


8.  "Ouss" is a word of respect, and is used as an acknowledgement e.g. when greeting somebody, when bowing to somebaody for any form of karate technique, also when called out to the front of the class by the instructor.


9.  During any karate function i.e. training, competitions, or demonstrations, the student must always comport himself/herself with dignity at all times.


10. In the event of the instructor arriving late, the senior of the class must sign in and take the class, the senior being the longest serving highest grade, and as such demands the same respect as the "Sensei".

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